3 Tips to Keep Your Storage Unit Clean
A storage unit is great for keeping clutter out of your home or giving you additional space to keep valuables if you’re downsizing. However, a storage unit can also be a place of utter chaos, especially if you have a hard time letting go of things. It’s not uncommon for people to shove things into a unit for years, only to run out of room or get overwhelmed with all the junk. So, they give ABC Junk Removal & Hauling a call. Here are several storage unit cleaning tips we like to share.

1. Use Plastic Totes
If you’re going to be using your storage unit long-term, avoid packing your belongings in cardboard boxes. Cardboard can deteriorate over time and allow moisture in. Instead, pack things away in plastic storage totes. These usually have snap-on lids and do a much better job of preventing moisture and water damage. They’re also more sturdy than cardboard, which means you can stack them without damaging the contents.2. Don’t Store Food
This might seem like a no-brainer, but you really shouldn’t keep perishable items in your storage unit. Even if you plan to use the space only for a short while, storing food in your unit will attract pests. Furthermore, food can quickly go bad in a storage unit, causing mold and a terrible smell that can linger on the rest of your belongings. Even if you’re storing non-perishables, you’ll still want to stick to air-tight containers and canned goods.3. Keep Cleaning Products on Hand
Keeping cleaning products, like rags, solutions, and dusters, handy in your unit will make cleaning that much easier. Every time you visit your unit, wipe things down and dust hard surfaces. This regular cleaning will ensure that your things don’t just sit and collect dust. If you’re storing memorabilia, then regular cleaning and dusting is a must.We’ll Haul Away the Clutter
Need motivation and help to clear out a storage unit? Then call the team at ABC Junk Removal & Hauling. We proudly serve all of Central Indiana and can haul away just about anything. This includes those old electronics, that roll of carpet, and old furniture. We’re just a phone call or text message away, so call today at (317) 430-7813.